Virtual Card:
Right on the home screen, you are welcomed with your category’s virtual card that has all your reward points mentioned that is automatically updated
Manage Beneficiary:
Edit details, add or remove beneficiary from your list of remittances.
Transfer Points:
Remitter can transfer accumulated points to the beneficiary and the reward can be redeemed by the beneficiary.
View Statement:
See the complete history of all remittances sent to beneficiary sorted for reading convenience.
View SDRP Benefits:
See details about reward partners where points can be redeemed for exclusive discounts and privileges.
What is Sohni Dharti Remittance Program (SDRP)?
Sohni Dharti Remittance Program is a Government of Pakistan initiative to incentivize Non-Resident Pakistanis who send home remittances to Pakistan through official remittance channels.
Why Should I join SDRP?
Any Non-Resident Pakistani, CNIC/NICOP holder, who has sent remittance to Pakistan starting October 1st, 2021 can register as a Remitter. A remitter can further register 01 beneficiary using the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program Mobile App.
How can I register for the SDRP?
Simply download the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program Mobile App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Input few registration details, including your active Mobile No. and set a password and your registration request will be processed.
I am unable to register using my transaction reference no. as Remitter. What should I do?
In case your transaction reference no. is not accepted on the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program App for registration, please check if:
• The home remittance was sent after October 1st, 2021.
• At least five working days have passed since you sent the remittance.
• The transaction reference no. has not been previously used for registration in the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program system.
How can I register my beneficiary?
As a Remitter, you can register a Beneficiary against his/her valid CNIC No. using the Mobile App. The Beneficiary will receive a registration code along with the App download link on SMS on your provided mobile number, using which he/she can enroll as a Beneficiary. The registration code is valid for 03 days, after which the request will expire, and you will have to re-add the beneficiary.
How can I register as beneficiary?
Remitter will add you as a beneficiary. Once you added by the remitter, you will receive a registration code along with the App download link on SMS for the registration on the mobile number provided by the remitter.
How can I transfer my points to beneficiary?
Using the Transfer Points option on your App Home screen, you can select an active, registered beneficiary and enter the points value you wish to transfer. The points will be transferred to your beneficiary, and he/she will receive an alert for the same.
What is the wait time for the beneficiary receiving his/her points from remitter?
The beneficiary is advised to wait at least one working day for his/her points transfer.
Is there any limit for transferring points to my beneficiary?
There is no limit on transfer on points. You may send as many points as you hold at any given time, in a single transfer if you wish.
How are loyalty points awarded?
After you have registered as a Remitter, loyalty points are automatically calculated and awarded on your Mobile App on all subsequent remittances sent to Pakistan.
How many days will it take to get loyalty points awarded on my remittance?
It may take up to five working days to get loyalty points awarded on your remittance sent to Pakistan.
I have not received loyalty points on my remittance that was sent five (or more) days ago. What should I do?
You may use the Self Award Points feature on the Mobile App Home screen to generate a request for your points award, if not already awarded before. In case you are still unable to receive points against the said transaction, please call our Contact Center representative at +92 21 111 11 67 57 for further assistance on the matter.
How does the self-award points work?
Under the Self Award Points Feature, you can initiate a points award request for a remittance transaction where you have not received any points, provided over five working days have passed since your remittance transaction.
For Self-Awarding, only transactions done within the last one year will be eligible. Furthermore, remittances sent prior to October 1st, 2021 are not eligible for the Sohni Dharti Remittance Program.
How many loyalty points will I receive against my remittance transaction?
The total value of annual remittance determines the loyalty category. Loyalty points are awarded on a fixed percentage of that value. The awarding percentages vary based on the category of the user.
• Green (Default) – 0 to 10,000 USD annually – 1.00% award of transaction amount
• Gold – 10,001 to 30,000 USD annually – 1.25% award of transaction amount
• Platinum – 30,000 USD plus annually – 1.50% award of transaction amount
How will my loyalty category change?
The remitter’s category will be automatically updated based on the USD amount of remittance he/she has sent in a fiscal year i.e., 1st July to 30th June. The categories will be re-set to Green starting every fiscal year.
What is the value of one loyalty point?
For the purpose of redemption, 1 loyalty point is equivalent to PKR 1/-.
Where can I use my loyalty points?
You can use your loyalty points to pay for applicable services at multiple public sector entities. For a list of available loyalty benefits and partners, check the View Loyalty Benefits page on your App Home Screen.
I am a Roshan Digital Account Holder; can I register for SDRP?
Yes, Roshan Digital account holders can also register for SDRP. However, loyalty points will only be awarded against the amount which will be consumed locally and cannot be repatriated.
Can I register myself for this program if I send remittance in currency other than PKR?
You can only register for this program if you send the remittance to Pakistan in PKR. Remittance send in other currency is not eligible for registration.