Structured Products
The Structured Products business at Samba Bank Limited offers tailor made derivative solutions to Institutional Clients, to manage Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange currency exposures leveraging off SFG’s considerable expertise. The desk offers customized FX options based hedging strategies, structured according to client needs, and based on projected future currency movements. These structures not only provide downside protection but, also offer the potential to gain from favorable currency movements at competitive market rates. Additionally, Structured Products offers a wide range of FX Interest Rate Derivatives, to manage short and long term interest rate exposures resulting from floating/fixed rate debt. These primarily include Forward Rate Agreements, Interest Rate Swaps, Basis Swaps and Cross-Currency Swaps. These interest rate derivatives can be used to fix floating rate exposures, change the benchmark rate applicable to existing debt and/or synthetically convert the currency and benchmark rate of existing debt to the desired foreign currency and benchmark rate.